Tuck Harry, Executive Director
Tuck proves that no feat is too big to tackle. From business analysis, to team management, we're honored to have this hard-working innovator in our corner.
Youth Eastside Services 1971-1980.
Suicide prevention hotline 1971-1972.
Crisis intervention team member 1971-
Vista Volunteer Youth Eastside Services
Coordinator and trainer crisis intervention
services YES.
YES Board Member 1972-1974.
Full-time staff member 1974-1980.
Provided crisis intervention training for staff from
Eastside community mental-health center, Overlake hospital and the
Bellevue police department 1974-1980.
Intake and referral coordinator juvenile
justice grant Bellevue police department 1974-1976.
Designed and developed the
information resource and referral
center at Interlake high school Bellevue,
Washington (a collaborative contract
between Bellevue school district and
Youth Eastside services) 1976-1980.
At large drug abuse prevention
consultant Bellevue school district
Peer counseling teacher Interlake high
school 1978-1980.

Nikita Chase, Program Director
Mother, survivor, advocate, and ETT. As a parent of nine children ages seven to twenty-seven, I have watched the challenges society has faced for a long time. I'm a DV survivor who has been an advocate for over two decades as well as a trained emergency trauma technician. I believe now is the time to stop the opioid crisis in America. We have lost enough.
1993-1995. New accounts, consumer relations HMO 1995-1997. Client relations.
1997-. Domestic Violence advocacy.
1997-. Sexual Assault advocacy.
1997-. Child Abuse Prevention.
2010-. Suicide prevention.
2010-. Hotline for DV, SA, Child and Elder Abuse, and Suicide.
2017-. Emergency Trauma Technician.